recent arrival
- 最近来的人

He was the most junior and most recent arrival at the embassy .
He is a recent arrival in this city .
Tesco of the UK is a more recent arrival .
The recent arrival of hedge funds and activist investors from overseas has added to the pressure .
I am ( was ) very glad to learn of the recent arrival of your baby boy .
The recent arrival of troops from Egypt and Ethiopia have raised the mission 's forces to nearly 11000 .
As the recent arrival of the era of international investment , Investor and State dispute arbitration mechanism have exposed more and more problems and defects .
And I realized , at the same time , that it is OK to be an outsider , a recent arrival , new on the scene --
The He-Cd laser , which is a recent arrival on the scene , emits at 325.0 nm and 441.6 nm .
The recent arrival of Chinese traders in the grimy alleys of Soweto market in Lusaka halved the cost of chicken .
The recent arrival of her new album reputation , as well as forthcoming stadium tour dates , may suggest she will return to the number one position in 2018 .
The recent arrival from Southampton is hoping to make his competitive debut for the Reds in Lithuania tonight and he knows he 's got a lot to live up to .
But the recent arrival of stylish , foreigner-friendly restaurants , cafes and bars have infused the area with new energy , offering travelers just the right mix of old and new .
Shaped as what appears to be an unidentified flying object painted in gold , this abbot is a recent arrival having been established in 1970 . The temple attracts a large following .
Mr. Peake , 43 , should probably be forgiven for his lack of mastery of ship-to-shore dialing , because he is a recent arrival to the International Space Station .
Do you work or for a company that has been around forever , or do you work for a recent corporate arrival - or perhaps you have worked for both ?